Galilee Lutheran Pewaukee

As disciples of Jesus Christ, invite and welcome others to receive refreshment, share God’s Word, water, bread and wine with each child and adult, friend or stranger; so that all who are or may become part of this community of faith are nourished, equipped and sent spirit led into the wilderness journey of life.

As disciples, we will:

- Pray daily

- Worship weekly

- Study the Bible

- Learn to love each other

- Serve others through committing personal time, talents and resources

- Seek life-transforming experiences

Thus equipped we will boldly send the baptized into the world in order to compassionately share the power of Jesus Christ with others.

Galilee, a church with a heart for outreach mission partnerships in the central city of Milwaukee, El Salvador & Tanzania, Africa. We welcome you to come visit us to learn more about us and our mission.

Plots for Reservation

  • Mausoleum

    $2,000.00 USD


    $2,000.00 USD

  • Mausoleum

    $2,000.00 USD


    $2,000.00 USD

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